Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leadership photo narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership photo narrative - Essay Example She couldn’t wait to get there. Lana was excited, confident of meeting expectations and thereby earning the love and respect of her new colleagues. Lana had been offered a job as a computer technician in a prestigious firm that prided themselves on employing and empowering the differently abled. They subscribed to the school of thought that believed in person-centric planning for the required service and support systems for their employees with disabilities and consulted with a highly acknowledged team of Human Services professionals. Life seemed to have so much to offer that lovely morning that Lana had quite forgotten the hard time she had had just some time ago when boarding the bus. Looking at Lana’s bright and happy face and twinkling eyes, no one could have suspected how severely challenged the young woman was. Her peculiar condition made every physical action a little battle in itself. Some strange muscular dysfunction made her a contradictory combination of a sharp and agile mind in a physically challenged body that labored to obey simple signals from her brain. What a struggle every step she took was! Only she knew how much courage it took to go on doggedly determined to achieve her objective- sometimes as commonplace as climbing the rather high steps of the bus. However, Lana had been lucky to have a great family and caregivers. Her parents and siblings together with her teachers at the special school she had recently graduated from had helped her become what she was today. Lana was a trained information technology or IT professional. At her computer and on the internet, she was a wizard and that was exactly what had got her this job in the city. But Lana had learned much more than merely computer skills. She had learned to accept a stranger’s helping hand appreciating his or her genuine concern instead of feeling humiliated. She had learned to ignore the pitying glances of others better-abled than she. Above all she had

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Work From Home Essay Example for Free

Work From Home Essay Are you tired of the common grind you must deal with on a daily basis? Does you current job leave you with limited career and salary opportunities? If so, have you thought of going into business for yourself and working from home? Now, some may assume that such an option is really not possible and that all those advertised work from home pitches are gimmicks and scams. Well, the reality of the matter is that working from home is the wave of the self-employed future and it brings with it a number of opportunities to earn significant income. One of the best resources for earning additional income working from home is Poly Promotions ProfitableJobs. com as it provides a multitude of ideas for wealth creation. Often, many of the ideas offered by ProfitableJobs. com are relatively simply concepts that are often overlooked, but are also consistently successful. In todays day an age, there are a number of options that are available to people that previously did not exist prior. Because of the great expansion of the internet and other forms of communication the ability to work from home has become a reality. Of society has shifted many times over the past centuries as it has gone from an agricultural based society to an industrial based society and now to a technological based society. In the past, there were no home computers, notebooks or iPods. Today, because we have such great access to a number of technological/communicative devices the ability to work from home differs very little from heading into the office to work. This has opened a plethora of financial opportunities for an individual to take advantage. Every week after initially signing up, ProfitableJobs. com will send you a series of email tips for work at home money making opportunities. Most of these opportunities involve very little start up money and are not complex ventures to take part in. As such, there is no reason not to take advantage of these opportunities as they bring a variety of benefits not the least of which may be financial independence.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Experimental Case Study On Pond Ash Replacement Engineering Essay

Experimental Case Study On Pond Ash Replacement Engineering Essay Abstract This research studies the potential of using Pond ash from Deepnagar Thermal Power Plant, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon, as a part replacement with sand in plaster mortar. Pond ash is rarely used in concrete due to its inactive pozzolanic reaction may be used as a fine aggregate in mortar mix used for plastering purpose, improves the quality of plastered surface in terms of strength and durability. When pond ash was used at a 20% replacement of sand to make mortar mix, produced higher percentage compressive strength as well as a higher development rate than those of the traditional cement sand mortar mix. As a result of the compressive strengths, it was concluded that pond ash could be used as a good replacement material in mortar. It is proposed to perform some field and laboratory experiments on different mix proportions of pond ash and plaster sand and to compare the results with traditional plaster mortar. The cubical specimens were tested to determine compressive strength. The Soundn ess test is performed to know the amount of expansion after the setting time. With the help of Davel abrasion test, it is possible to relatively compare the abrasion values of the different proportions of the plaster mortar cubes. In the investigation some field and laboratory experiments on different mix proportions of pond ash and plaster sand are done and the results are compared with traditional cement-sand plaster mortar. Due to Pond Ash replacement, the initial strength gaining process is quite slow but in later stages it gains very good strength as compare to traditional mortar mixes. Workability of mortar mix is increased due to addition of pond ash, which will result in the reduced w/c ratio. Change in the volume of hardened mortar is very less due to addition of pond ash, which results less occurrence of surface cracks. Keywords- Mortar, Pond Ash, Pozzolonic. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Pond ash is the waste product from most of the thermal power plants in India. The fly ash gets mixed with bottom ash and disposed off in large pond dykes as slurry. Pond ash contains relatively coarse particles. The huge amount of pond ash accumulated around the thermal power stations is still posing threat to environment. The utilization of pond ash as a building material is one of the possible way of its sustainable management. In the present study, an attempt is made to ascertain the possibility of using the pond ash as a replacement of sand in plaster mortar. Origin of Pond Ash Pond ash is the waste product from most of thermal power plants in India. The fly ash gets mixed with bottom ash and disposed off in large pond or dykes as slurry. Pond ash contains relatively coarse particles. As Pond ash is being produced at an alarming rate, efforts are required to safely dispose it and if possible find ways of utilizing it. Necessity of Pond Ash Management It is estimated that by the end of tenth planned period an additional 124000 Mega Watt (MW) of power sector expansion will require in India to meet the raising demands of energy. So the quantum of Pond ash generation will increase in future. It has warranted the scientific as well as industrial community to initiates research and development work for finding innovative use and safe disposal of Pond ash so that instead of a waste product, the pond ash can be utilized in large quantities in various engineering works. The ash produced in thermal power plants can cause all three environmental risks air, surface water and ground water pollution. Air pollution is caused by direct emissions of toxic gases from the power plants as well as wind blown ash dust from ash ponds. The air borne dust can fall in surface water system or soil and may contaminate the water/soil system. The wet system of disposal in most power plants causes discharge of particulate of ash directly into the nearby surfa ce water system. [2] Sources of Pond Ash in India In India as coal based Thermal Power Plant has contributes to 75% to the total power generation. The coal reserves of the country is predominately of lower grade of non-cooking and as a result the quantity of ash produced will also increase. The Indian coal on an average has 35% ash and this is one of the prime factors which lead to increase ash production. Hence, ash utilization is a problem for the country. The Indian Thermal power plant uses high ash and inferior quality non-cooking coal. Present Indias Thermal installed capacity to an estimate is 1, 00,000 MW and coal consumption for Thermal power generation required is 300 million MT every year. Use of coal brings many problems, primarily due to huge amount of ash, which is produced by-product of the process of power generation. Out of total ash produced, fly ash contributes to small percentage, majority being pond ash and bottom ash. Environmental Consideration The ash produced in thermal power plants can cause all three environmental risks air, surface water and ground water pollution. Air pollution is caused by direct emissions of toxic gases from the power plants as well as wind blown ash dust from ash ponds. The air borne dust can fall in surface water system or soil and may contaminate the water/soil system. The wet system of disposal in most power plants causes discharge of particulate of ash directly into the nearby surface water system. The long storage of ash in the ponds under wet condition and humid climate can cause leaching of toxic metals from ash and contaminate the underlying soil and ultimately the ground water system. Kumar [2] 1.6 Existing Use of Pond Ash The literature available specifically on the use of pond ash is scarce. However in general the fly ash has lot of potential for its sustainable use. The use of fly ash in the construction of road and embankment has been successfully demonstrated in the country. The Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) and Central Public Works Department (CPWD) have accepted the use of fly ash and have executed many projects. The fly ash can be utilized in cement concrete and mortar as an ingredient / partial replacement of cement and sand. The replacement of OPC may vary from 15 to 35 % or even higher percentage in mass concrete. BIS: 456 [5] The pond ash is also utilized in manufacturing of Light Weight Aerated Concrete (LWAC) products such as blocks, panels, reinforced slab, etc, which are much lighter than conventional materials. The bulk density of product ranges from 500kg/cum to 1800kg/cum, depending upon reinforcement. The use of block in housing construction can results nearly40 % reduction i n dead weight, 50 % saving in construction time and about 80 % saving in consumption of mortar in comparison to conventional brick work. The fly ash (90-95%) mixed with OPC (5-10%), along with the water make the flow able fill material termed as Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM), which can use in the restricted areas where placing and compaction is very difficult such as narrow trenches, utilities structure like mines, tunnels, tanks and trenches in road pavement cut. The use of pond ash in mine fill material is one of the possible alternatives to be considered by various agencies. The optimum utilization of pond ash through mine void filling by High Concentrated Slurry Disposal (HSDS) system may prove a plausible solution of pond ash management. The use of fly ash in agriculture applications has been well demonstrated and is gaining momentum in the agriculture sector of country. This is picking up in Karnataka, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh and for wasteland reclamation in U ttar Pradesh. [5] Overview of the Project In this investigation partial replacement of sand by pond ash in plaster mortar is attempted. It is possible to use pond ash as fine aggregate without compromising on strength and durability. This study opens up a major avenue for the utilization of pond ash. Studies are done on pond ash sample from Deep Nagar Thermal Power Plant, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon. The large scale utilization of Pond Ash would be possible and this will become major contributing factor for reducing pollution. Sand, precious natural resources, is becoming scarce and quarrying of this has been restricted in many states in India, this has made to look for the possibility for partial replacement of sand by Pond ash. It is proposed to perform some field and laboratory experiments on different mix proportions of pond ash and plaster sand and to compare the results with traditional plaster mortar. The flow diagram in figure-1, shows the detail procedure. Figure 1: Overview of Experimental Programme 2. POND ASH IN PLASTER MORTAR 2.1 Proportioning of Mortar The experimental programme utilizes the ponded ash from DeepNagar Thermal Power Plant and tests were conducted in field as well as in laboratory. The mortar mixes were considered at pond ash replacement percentage of 0, 20, 25, and 30 and with mix proportions of cement: pond ash: sand and additional proportion of cement: fly ash: sand. Hand mixing, with volume batching was done. [1], [9] Proportion % Replace ment Cement Pond ash Replacement sand W/C Ratio P-1 5 1 0.25 4.75 1.10 P-2 10 1 0.50 4.50 1.10 P-3 15 1 0.75 4.25 1.10 P-4 20 1 1.00 4 1.10 P-5 25 1 1.25 3.75 1.10 P-6 30 1 1.50 3.50 1.10 P-7 0 1 0 5 1.10Table 1: Different Proportion of Mortar Mixes 2.2 Plastering Process The surface to be plastered was cleaned and freed from dust, loose material, oil, grease, mortar dropping, sticking of foreign matter, trace of algae, etc. Raking of joint was carried out along with masonry and checked out thoroughly so as to receive good key. The plaster was provided in two coats. Thickness of undercoat was 15mm and balanced in the second finishing coat. The second coat was of 10 mm. The under coat was allowed to dry and shrink before applying the second coat of plaster. After a suitable time interval (After 2 days) the second coat was applied. [7], [8]. Figure -2 show different patches of plaster. Figure 2: Plastering Process on Brick Wall 2.3 Compression Test The compression test has been carried out on specimens cubical in shape. The cube specimen is of the size 7.07 x 7.07 x 7.07 cm. Three specimen samples for all proportions are prepared. Universal testing machine (UTM) of 400 kN capacity was used in testing the mixes. Figure 3: Compression Test Sample-Before and After Deformation The mortar was filled into the mould in three layers approximately. Each layer was compacted by hand. After the top layer compacted, the surface of the mortar was finished with the top mould, using a trowel. The test specimens were submerged in the water for 7 and 28 days. Universal testing machine (UTM) of 400 Kilo Newton (kN) capacity was used in testing the mixes. Compression test was carried out for 7 day and 28days strength for the different proposed proportions are shown in the Table 2. SN Propor tion P.A. Replacement 7 day Comp. Strength 28day Comp. Strength 1 P-1 5% 3.31 7.68 2 P-2 10% 4.11 8.79 3 P-3 15% 4.91 9.89 4 P-4 20% 5.27 11.00 5 P-5 25% 5.87 10.92 6 P-6 30% 5.04 10.23 7 P-7 0% 2.51 6.57Table 2. Compression Test Results of Pond Ash Mortar Specimens Figure given below shows the graph of Percentage Pond Ash Replacement v/s 7 and 28 Days Compressive Strength. Figure 4: Percentage Pond Ash Replacement v/s 7 and 28 Days Compressive Strength. 2.4 Soundness Test Using Le-Chateliers Apparatus The mortar after preparation is liable to expand after the setting action is complete. It is one of the causes of cracking of plaster mortar. The Soundness test is, therefore, performed to know the amount of expansion after the setting time. [6] Table 3 shows Expansion of the mortar for different proportions. 2.5 Davel Abrasion Test This research work does not deal with the coarse aggregate as the coarse aggregate is not the constituent material for the mortar. But with the help of this test, the abrasion values of the different proportions of the plaster mortar cubes can be relatively compared. The abrasion value determined should not be more than 16 % for the concrete aggregates. Table 4 gives Davel Abrasion Test Results for different mortar mixes. SN Propor tions % Replt Final Exp. (mm) Initial Exp. (mm) Total Exp. (mm) 1 P-1 5 13 11 2 2 P-2 10 14 11 3 3 P-3 15 13 10 3 4 P-4 20 14 11 3 5 P-5 25 15 12 3 6 P-6 30 13 11 2 7 P-7 0 15 11 4Figure 5: Soundness Test Using Le-Chateliers Apparatus Table 3: Expansion for different Mortar Mixes. SN Proportions % Replt Initial Wt. of Cube (kg) Crush passing thr. sieve Abrn Value 1 1 5 0.786 0.11 13.75 2 2 10 0.786 0.10 12.75 3 3 15 0.796 0.10 12.5 4 4 20 0.786 0.094 12 5 5 25 0.786 0.098 12.5 6 6 30 0.796 0.10 12 7 7 0 0.785 0.12 15 Table 4: Davel Abrasion Test Results 3. CONCLUSION From the experimental results on the replacement of Pond Ash as Replacement with Sand in Plaster Mortar, the conclusions can be drawn as, the use of Pond Ash as part replacement for sand in plaster mortar gives higher compressive strength than traditional mortar mixes. Part replacement with 20 % Pond Ash in mortar, gives higher compressive strength then the other percentage replacements (0%,5%, 10%, 15%, 25% 30%), when tested for 28 days compressive strength. Due to Pond Ash replacement, the initial strength gaining process is quite slow but in later stages it gains very good strength as compare to traditional mortar mixes. The problem of disposing pond ash can is reduced by utilizing it in large quantity in various engineering work. In the present study, the possibility of using a locally available fine grained pond ash as a replacement of sand in plaster mortar has been tested and analyzed. This study opens up a major avenue for the utilization of pond ash. The large scale utilization of Pond Ash would be possible and this will become major contributing factor for reducing pollution. 4. REFRENCES [1] A.M. Pandey, L.M. Gupta, Proportions of concrete ingredients and their significance in compressive strength Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.81, June 2007, pp.15-27 [2] Kumar (2004), Dr Virender Kumar Compaction and Permeability Study of Pond Ash Amended with Locally Available Soil and Hardening Agent. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.85, May2004, pp 31-35. [3] Chai Cheerarot (2003), Chai Jaturapitakkul and Raungrut Cheerarot. Development of Bottom Ash as Pozzolanic Material. Journal of Material in Civil Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, January/February 2003, pp.48-53 [4] S.K.Sekar, P.Devdas, U.John, Performance of Fly ash Concrete, New Building Material and Construction World, Volume-81, No.06, July-2003, pp.46. [5] FAUP (2005), Fly Ash Utilization ProgrammeFly Ash Management in India: An Integrated Approach , Proceeding of Fly Ash, India-2005, International Congress, Dec. 2005, Convention Hall, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, India. [6] BIS 383 (1970), Specification for Coarse and Fine Aggregate from natural Sources for Concrete (Second Revision), Bureau of Indian Standards. Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg IN-New Delhi 110002. [7] BIS 1661 (1972), Code of Practice for Application of Cement and Cement Plaster Finishes, Bureau of Indian Standards. Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg IN-New Delhi 110002. [8] BIS 2402 (1963), Code of Practice for External Rendered Finishes, Bureau of Indian Standards. Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg IN-New Delhi 110002. [9] BS 5390:1976, Code of Practice for Stone Masonry, BSI British Standards, Customer Services, 389, Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL, United Kingdom.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Greedy Politics and America’s War On Iraq Essay -- Politics Political

On the morning of March 19, 2003, U.S.-led forces began to invade the Middle-Eastern country of Iraq with the intention of overthrowing its leader, Saddam Hussein. This action was taken primarily as a result of U.S. President George W. Bush’s long-standing contention that the Iraqi regime was a direct threat to the United States. Bush outlined his reasons for the attack in a speech he delivered to the American people in the days before the war: Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq's neighbors and against Iraq's people. The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda (Bush â€Å"Ultimatum† 1). More than a year and a half ago, on September 11, 2001, a group of terrorists from the al Qaeda network hijacked four airliners and successfully used three of them to attack the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the World Trade Center in New York. These attacks marked the first time in American history that a full-scale attack was executed on our own soil, and they affected the American people on a number of different levels. Americans found themselves shocked that such an event could occur, as well as reeling with grief for the more than 3,000 people who died in the tragedy. Soon, the shock and grief that penetrated the hearts of the American people gave way, in part, to a sense of national pride. American flags waved from every overpass, and â€Å"God Bless America† could be heard on every r... ...arcourt, Brace and World, Inc. 1968. pp. 361-380. (Text available at Raasch, Chuck. â€Å"Public opinion intensifies on both sides of Iraq war.† The Advocate. 2 April, 2003: Stolberg, Cheryl Gay. â€Å"Threats and Responses: Washington Talk; And Order of Fries, Please, But Do Hold the French†. New York Times. 12 March 2003, Late Edition: Sec. A, p. 1, col. 5. Byrd, Robert C. â€Å"We Stand Passively Mute†. 12 February, 2003. Donnelly, Thomas, et al. Rebuilding America’s Defenses. Project for the New American Century. September 2000. (

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Behaviour of Studied Plant Species in Terms of Heating Mitigation and Evapotranspiration

5 Discussion5.1 Weather ConditionssUpwind conditions during the season and the six measuring runs played a cardinal function for the procedure of this survey. As mentioned antecedently in respects to the survey of thermic imagination and specific conditions conditions were a requirement. The optimum conditions conditions for transporting out these measurings included clear sky, no air current and high values of PAR. These conditions slightly restricted the measurings as they were hard to be obtained for many yearss during the months from May until July. The measurement period was characterized by many yearss of cloud screen, rainfall and low temperatures and merely a few yearss of clear sky and high temperatures every bit good as high PAR values. The most restrictive factor was the cloud screen, as there were yearss with high temperature and besides there was cloud screen. However, there were yearss with clear sky and no air current but the PAR values were excessively low ( below 120 0 ?mol s-1m-2) , so that measurings could non be performed. Besides, it is of import to observe that the conditions conditions differed for each of the measuring dates as it was impossible to hold the exact same conditions every clip. Maes and Steppe ( 2012 ) had highlighted the limitation of conditions conditions in thermic imagination and the confining factor of cloud screen. However the consequences of the six successful measuring day of the months led to observations and decisions about the thermic behavior of the five studied works species.5.2 Behaviour of Studied Plant Species in Footings of Heating Mitigation and EvapotranspirationThe current survey have shown that all of the tried workss species had an effectual chilling potency by comparing to the bare dirt. Planted trays had ever lower surface temperatures than the control trays. This was besides supported by the statistical analysis which indicated important differences between mesocosms and control trays. Several surveies stated that one of the benefits of green roof workss is to maintain the temperature low ( Nagase and Dunnett, 2010 ; Teemusk and Mander, 2009 ) . Specifically, the four of the five species,Koeleria glauca, Lotus corniculatus,Dianthus carthusianorumandPhedimus floriferumhave been shown to hold lower temperatures than the controls trays for the full period of when the measurings were conducted. However, in the last two day of the months sing the measurings, theThymus serpyllumhad showed higher temperatures than the controls trays because the mini bush had died antecedently. While all workss of the monocultures had died many single species were able to last in combination with other species. However,Thymus serpyllumis considered a common green roof species ( Teemusk and Mander, 2009 ) . Besides, Jones ( 2002 ) had indicated thatThymusspecies frequently did non last. The ground for the bad public presentation ofThymusis still non clear. Although heat and drouth emphasis are known to hold a negative impact on the species, it is besides believed that works infections could be another cause for its bad public presentation. Sing the evapotranspiration, all the mesocosm systems showed to hold higher values than the control trays. System 5 (Phedimus floriferum )showed to hold the lowest evapotranspiration of the 15 mesocosms due to the facultative CAM metamorphosis of the species. The last two yearss System 4 showed the lowest evapotranspiration values sinceThymus serpyllumin the monocultures where they had wholly died off. Several surveies have been conducted to compare between green roof works species in monocultures and combinations in order to transport out and understand in which of the two is the most good. The surveies concluded that works mixtures were more effectual and good in footings of heating extenuation, evapotranspiration and H2O gaining control than monocultures and recommended for extended green roofs ( Lundholmet al. ,2010 ; Nagase and Dunnett, 2012, 2010 ) . This survey had concluded that System 7 a combination ofPhedimus floriferum( succulent ) andLotus corniculatus( leguminous plant ) was more effectual and good along with System 10 which is a combination ofPhedimus floriferum( succulent ) ,Koeleria glauca( grass ) andDianthus carthusianorum( herb)and can be considered as the best of the 15 systems in footings of extenuating warming effects. These systems showed significantly lower temperatures during most of the measurings. Systems 6( Phedimus floriferum + Koeleria glauca )and 14 (Phedimus floriferum + Koeleria glauca +Lotus corniculatus )had so followed with satisfactory consequences. These consequences are in general conformity with other surveies which showed that grass and herb or mixtures of these species are really suited to green roofs. Although they are less drought tolerant than succulent they are more effectual in footings of evapotranspiration and H2O keeping capacity ( Van Mechelenet Al., 2014 ) . Besides, the bulk of green roofs in North America and Europe are combinations of Sedum species or combinations of Sedum and grasses ( Wolf and Lundholm, 2008 ) . Lundholmet al. ,( 2010 ) had stated that the best combination for green roof is succulents, grasses and tall forbs. Since thei experiment this works mixture optimized most of the maps which were measured. Koeleria glaucacan maintain the H2O balance stable alternatively of intensive transpiration. Besides, its foliages are sclerenchymatous and about lush at the same time ( Kalapos T.,1989 ) . Furthermore, many herbaceous species are characterized by adaptative steps and could confront drouth ( Dvorak and Volder, 2010 ) . Some adaptative steps for Sedum species and stress-tolerant grasses and herbaceous are CAM photosynthetic tracts, H2O storage variety meats, succulent foliages which characterized the Sedum species, drought-avoidance ( bulbs and ruderals ) and woody growing. These and other morphological and anatomical characteristics could cut down the heat addition and H2O loss ( Wolf and Lundholm, 2008 ) . Grasss and forbs are characterized by low root H2O electrical capacity and/or drouth turning away which allow them to last in green roof systems ( Wolf and Lundholm, 2008 ) . It is besides deserving observing the importance in respects to the monocultures ofKoeleria glaucaandLotus corniculatusholding shown really good warming extenuation and chilling effects consequences. Besides combinations which included these species proofed to be really suitable. These species are both characterized by holding high evapotranspiration values andLotus corniculatusbesides being good of making high works screen due to strong vegetive growing. In respects to the Sedum speciesPhedimus floriferum,it is confirmed that it is really good for green roofs. Although it was frequently hotter than the other species likely due to its CAM metamorphosis it had a positive consequence on the other species.Phedimus floriferumwas presented with combinations which showed the best heat emphasis extenuation and kept the temperatures at low degrees during the measurement period. Several surveies investigatedSedumspecies as they are the most normally used for extended green roofs. Most of the surveies concluded thatSedumspecies can be characterized as ideal species and the best option for green roofs because of their facultative CAM metamorphosis, stress- tolerance and ability to re-sprout ( Butler and Orians, 2011 ; Farrellet al. ,2013 ; Nagase and Dunnett, 2012 ; Van Mechelenet al. ,2014 ) . Since none of the deep-rootedPhedimuspersons died in the survey, it must besides be noted that the high continuity of the species is another positive fac et.5.3 Plant Cover and Temperature of Studied Plant SpeciesIn current survey that have been examined in respects to the dealingss between the works screen and average temperatures of the mesocosms, there was the premise that the works screen would had influenced the temperatures. It was concluded that temperatures were so slightly influenced by the works screen, the higher the works cover the lower were the temperatures. This had so led to the decision that the species which are characterized by distributing via vegetive growing such asPhedimus floriferumandLotus corniculatusare advantageous for green roofs. A high screen and leaf wonts of workss can besides be good.5.4 Restrictions of the StudyAs antecedently stated the chief problem/limitation during measurings was the clip consequence on tray temperatures. In order to cut down the job of different heating throughout the twenty-four hours, measurings were carried out at midday when the radiation and the temperatures usually reach a tableland. Besides, dry and wet â€Å" unreal foliages † were used and exposed to the same environmental conditions ( air temperature, radiation, wind velocity ) as the trays in order to avoid theoretical appraisals of baselines. It was observed that the temporal temperature gradient decreased when the measurings were carried out at midday. By this, the clip consequence was partially solved but it still existed. Furthermore, for most of the measuring day of the months at that place was a good convergence between the temperatures of unreal foliages measured by the usage of thermocouples and the IR-camera. Thus the emissivity needed non to be adapted. As mentioned antecedently, the thermic imagination was performed within two hours and this period of clip could hold resulted in big differences in ambient temperature or the consecutive warming of the trays. One solution was to cut down this clip period but due to the high figure of trays it was about impossible to execute the thermic imagination in a shorter clip length. Maes and Steppe ( 2012 ) had besides indicated this restriction in thermic imaging so they alternatively highlighted the clip devouring process of thermic imagination. Another solution to execute thermic imagination of all trays in one spell is the usage of aircraft but this method leads to a instead harsh declaration of images ( Leuzingeret al. ,2010 ) . It is besides of import to observe that the clip consequence had complicated the finding of the important differences between the systems, due to the high criterion divergences. However, the consequences of this survey clearly indicated important differences between the systems and the control trays. Besides, it can be concluded that systems equipped with species such asKoeleria glaucaandLotus corniculatusshowed satisfactory consequences and could be characterized as being appropriate works species. The restriction as stated above in respects to the clip consequence besides led to the determination to maintain the emissivity to a default value of 1 since the survey was concerned in temperature differences between the systems and non in the absolute temperatures of the objects ( works leaves, dirt substrate, pebbles and lava ) . However, as mentioned in subdivision 3.3.1 during March and April 2014 ( before the measurings started ) several efforts were made in order to define/calculate the emissivity of the studied works species but because of the complexness the efforts were kept to a lower limit. It is deserving observing that most surveies on works temperatures set emissivity to a default value and that there are merely little differences between dirt and works emissivities ( Leuzinger and Korner, 2007 ; Maes and Steppe, 2012 ) . It would besides be interesting to analyze day-to-day rhythms of leaf temperatures particularly inPhedimussince it is a facultative CAM species. Unfortunately another restriction of this survey which wasn’t conducted was that this survey didn’t examine the day-to-day behavior in footings of the temperature and transpiration of the workss. If the restriction had been conducted the behavior ofPhedimuswould hold besides been researched in order to detect its transpiration.5.5 Inventions of the StudyDespite the restrictions mentioned above that had non been conducted the current survey is the first in which a high figure of replicated green roof mesocosms were researched. Every system had eight replicates and the control trays were seven. This high figure of replicates is sufficient for stand foring temperature measurings, which had ne'er been studied on green roof works species. The measurings were carried out from May until July in 2014. This long measuring period allowed more observations about the studied works species and their thermic behavior over clip in different conditions conditions and state of affairss. The usage of IR-thermometry can be considered as another invention since this method is new and it started to be used in recent old ages. However, this could be seen as a hazard since there are no fixed protocols available for IR-thermometry on workss. As antecedently mentioned, the usage of thermic imagination and infrared cameras enables the observation of thermic conditions of the objects in item. The technique of infrared thermometry has started to be normally used because of its truth. Infrared cameras are now being used more and more by works scientists because the costs of the equipment has been diminishing. Another of import factor is the usage of image analysis to derive mean, lower limit and maximal temperatures of selected objects and it has besides brought in a new method in respects to research. The corresponding package of the camera, IRBIS ®, has been a really helpful tool in order to research the temperatures of the studied workss. As a farther affair in respects to the statistical analysis that was performed in order to place important differences between the mesocosm systems, and controls and besides between the different types described as advanced because so many statistical trials were carried out for each day of the month of measurings in order to compare the systems.6 DecisionIn the last decennaries, the effects of planetary heating have become progressively seeable. One technique used to extenuate urban heat is the building of â€Å" green roofs † , a method that is progressively used in many states. Green roof workss have the capableness to change the microclimate outside and inside of edifices. A new method to look into the temperature and accordingly the chilling potency of workss is infrared thermometry. Thermal imaging utilizing infrared cameras enables the observation of thermic conditions of the objects in item. Topographic point measurings of foliage temperatures utilizing thermocouples a re inferior to IR-thermometry but the latter attack has restrictions, excessively. The survey was carried out to look into the effectivity of five commonly used green roof works species:Koeleria glauca( a grass ) ,Lotus corniculatus( a leguminous plant ), Dianthus carthusianorum( a herb ) ,Thymus serpyllum (a low turning bush ) andPhedimus floriferum( a succulent ) . The undermentioned three hypotheses were tested: – The workss have an effectual chilling potency as compared to the bare dirt. – TheSedumspecies,Phedimus floriferum,could hold a positive consequence on the other species and could cut down heat emphasis. – Plant mixtures of different species are more effectual than monocultures. The overall aims of this survey was to i ) Compare the deep-rooted trays with control trays ( au naturel dirt ) in order to look into the chilling potency of workss. two ) Examine the effectivity ofPhedimus floriferumin footings of evapotranspiration, heat consequence extenuation and possible positive consequence on the other species. three ) Compare the works mixtures with monocultures to place important differences. The consequences in general supported the first hypothesis. It had particularly supported the speciesKoeleria glaucaandLotus corniculatusand some of the mixtures with these species holding shown to hold significantly lower surface temperatures than the controls trays and some of the deep-rooted mesocosms for the whole measuring period. The consequences in respects to the 2nd hypothesis was besides supported.ThePhedimus floriferumso had a positive consequence on the other species as the combinations with the species kept the temperatures at lower degrees during the measurement period. SincePhedimusis a extremely drought stress-tolerant and relentless species, it had a positive consequence on the ecological services of green roofs. The consequences besides lead to the credence of the 3rd hypothesis that works mixtures are more effectual than monocultures since the best systems in footings of extenuating the heat effects were works mixtures. However, the survey besides faced some restrictions such as the clip consequence on tray temperatures and the proper accommodation of emissivity values. Several efforts were made and several methods were applied in order to turn to those limitations. Harmonizing to the literature, old surveies had faced the same restrictions. In order to cut down the clip effects during measurement runs of a high figure of replicates, high scaffolds should be used from which all objects can be monitored in one spell. However, due to the big field of position the low declaration of images would hold been a job. Taking exposure of all the objects at the same clip had its advantages in that many images could be taken over clip, e.g. to analyze day-to-day temperature rhythms of works surfaces. This could be characterized as an mentality which should be investigated farther by similar experiments in the hereafter, in order to see whether it helps the survey to minimise or extinguish similar restrictions and limitations and besides to lend to this current research.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Censorship and Parental Advisory Stickers essays

Censorship and Parental Advisory Stickers essays We have more influence over your children than you do, but we love your children. Most of you love them too, very much. You want what's best for them. Consider them when planning the future. Right? Oh, mother, father, your blindness to our most blessed gift, NATURE, leaves us with the overwhelming task of correcting your utter mess....I understand why they want to protect their children, but for their own good, let me point out that though you may have to explain subjects to your children that you perceive as wrong, it is better to have the freedom to explain it in your own words than be silenced under a government that has the power to squash anyone who opposes their views....Try to restrict our freedoms and we will fight even harder to preserve them. -Janes Addiction Album Message It is in my opinion that censorship of lyrics is wrong. An artist has one sole purpose, and that is to express himself or herself in the best way they can. By taking away that freedom, you are essentially taking the art away from the artist. This exerpt from a Janes Addiction album is one of the best ways I could get my message across. Artists do understand their roles in life. They realize that people look to them for direction, and they also realize that children look up to them as role models. They understand all this and so much more; in fact, I feel that some artists understand our generation even better then people we actually come in contact with everyday. They seem to trust us, the viewers, with the truth, while our parents try to hide it from us. I think that that is the main issue with censorship. Adults like to protect children from the truth because they feel that it is too much for a child to handle. An artist comes out with a song or album that states the truth, sometimes rather bluntly, and that is where most people have the problem. U2 talks about the apartheid in South Africa...